Day 56 of 365 | 365 Self-Portrait Project

Feeling very tired at the moment. We just shot a 400+ lebanese wedding with a wonderful Canadian-Australian couple. Abraham Joffe and Tony from “Untitled Film Works” were the wedding cinematographers for the day and it was so great to work with them again.

It’s now after 3am in the morning and we’ve downloaded, and backed up the photos and we’re recharging all the photography gear as we have a wedding tomorrow down in the Southern Highlands which we are really looking forward to. Gotta get some sleep now…

Kim did the self-portrait today ๐Ÿ™‚

To shoot a self-portrait of myself/ourselves every day for a year.
To push myself to be more creative as a photographer.
To learn different photography techniques and hone the craft.
To document a year in our life.

View the whole series

Your comments are most appreciated as they will help us to stay motivated and creative.


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