Day 9 of 365 | 365 Self-Portrait Project

Weekends are definitely the busiest days for us. Even though there were no weddings for us today, we often need to meet potential wedding clients. A lot of people actually book our wedding photography services without actually meeting us, I guess because they like us and can see all our work online. But most people want to meet us first and because they all work, most of them are really only free on weekends. So today we met a bunch of lovely engaged couples, basically from 9am till 5pm.

For the 365 image today I did a bit of an overexposure. Most of the time you would delete an overexposed image, but they sometimes can look kinda cool. Was shot with a ring  flash and a flash camera right, 1/160 sec @ f/4.o, ISO 200.

To shoot a self-portrait of myself/ourselves every day for a year.
To push myself to be more creative as a photographer.
To learn different photography techniques and hone the craft.
To document a year in our life.

View the whole series on Flickr

Your comments are most appreciated as they will help us to stay motivated and creative.

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