Do we do formal family photos?

Of course we do ๐Ÿ™‚

We just don’t always post the photos on the blog.

Generally speaking family photos take place after the ceremony and after people have congratulated you. We’ll take any combinations you want until your sick of smiling ๐Ÿ™‚

Don’t worry too much about the location of the photos. Around the church or ceremony, we’ll look for a background that’s not too busy, and where the light is good and even.

To get all the photo combinations you want (and to make sure all your family are happy), please provide us with a list of the different family combinations you want.ย Also give a copy of this list the Bridal Party and/or extroverted family members to help round up family & friends, as we have no idea who everyone is.

To work out how long family photos take just add 2 minutes of shooting time for each combination. Large group photos generally take between 5-10mins to orchestrate, depending how co-operative people are and also if we can find them all ๐Ÿ˜‰

As a general rule, we like to start with the bigger family combinations and then let people go. Here are some standard combinations that you can adjust and tweek to suit:

  • B & G and Brides extended family
  • B & G and Brides parents & siblings
  • B & G and Brides parents
  • B & G and Brides grandparents
  • B & G and Grooms extended family
  • B & G and Grooms parents & siblings
  • B & G and Grooms parents
  • B & G and Grooms grandparents
  • B & Gย with both sets of parents