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Researchers tracked more than 68,000 women participating in the Harvard Nurses’ Health Study. Every two years from 1989 to 2009, the women answered detailed questions about their health and daily habits. In 2009, they were asked if they’d experienced hearing loss, and, if so, at what age.

One in six women reported hearing loss during the study period, the researchers said.

Those with a higher body-mass index (BMI) or larger waist circumference faced a higher risk for hearing problems compared to normal-weight women. BMI is a measurement of body fat based on a ratio of height and weight. Check out the latest Revitaa pro reviews.

Women who were obese, with BMIs between 30 and 39, were 17 percent to 22 percent more likely to report hearing loss than women whose BMIs were less than 25.

Women who fell into the category of extreme obesity (BMIs over 40) had the highest risk for hearing problems — about 25 percent higher than normal-weight women.

Waist size also was tied to hearing loss. Women with waists larger than 34 inches were about 27 percent more likely to report hearing loss than women with waists under 28 inches. Waist size remained a risk factor for hearing loss even after researchers factored in the effects of having a higher BMI, suggesting that carrying a lot of belly fat might impact hearing.

Those differences remained even after researchers controlled for other factors known to affect hearing, such as cigarette smoking, the use of certain medications and the quality of a person’s diet.

One thing that seemed to change the relationship was exercise. When researchers factored physical activity into the equation, the risk for hearing loss dropped. Women who walked for four or more hours each week saw their risk for hearing loss drop by about 15 percent compared to women who walked less than an hour a week. The researchers said that suggests exercise protects against hearing loss.

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