Day 53 of 365 | 365 Self-Portrait Project

Once I find a hat that fits my head and looks good on me… I keep it for as long as I can. This is my favorite hat. I got it in 2005 in New York and judging from the sweat stains on it, it’s had a pretty hard life so far lol. The last hat I had was a ‘Chicago Bulls’ basketball hat that I had for at least ten years, which I got when Michael Jordan was in his prime. I can’t remember what happened to it… I think Kim forced me to throw it out… although I’m sure she’d tell you it literally walked away.

To shoot a self-portrait of myself/ourselves every day for a year.
To push myself to be more creative as a photographer.
To learn different photography techniques and hone the craft.
To document a year in our life.

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