Romanian Photographer Image Theft

“Imitation is the greatest form of flattery”… but this is ridiculous!!

A Facebook friend of mine recently told me that he thought some of my images were on a Romanian photographers website. So I checked out the site and yes there were a few of my older wedding images there. It also looks like there are images from a bunch of Australian photographers just judging by the locations.

Ultimately I really don’t care that much, as they are images of mine from a few years ago, he is in Romania and my style has evolved in that time. But it is very deceitful to his potential clients and I think just plain rude. I did write to him a couple of weeks ago through his website and through his Facebook page, but obviously I haven’t heard from him. So I thought I’d do this post to warn other photographers.

So if you’re a photographer then check out his site to see if he has taken any of your images:

And if you want to find out who has stolen your photos, you can do a reverse image search through this website:



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  1. Hi Adam. I don’t know if it will do any good, but I just sent him an email reminding him of what is good and right and honest, and how hot hell actually is! I didn’t go off actually…. just pointed out the obvious. I even included a web translated Romanian version, so if nothing else it should give him a laugh.

  2. Thanks everyone for all the support. I’ve had a lot of feedback on my Facebook page. I’ve actually been contact by two wedding photographers from Romania that say they want to help. I’m not too fussed, but I just think it’s rude and I feel bad for any of their clients.

  3. Hi Adam. I’m also a wedding photographer from Romania. I think what this guy did is outrageous, and he should be penalized. I believe that by now he removed your photos from his port, but who knows how many of “his” other photos are stolen from other photographers. It’s a pity that his website is still online.

  4. Hi Adam. i am also from Romania. He don’t honor us, romanian photographers or even romanian peoples. I saw a lot of pictures in his website that are not looking to be from Romanian places. I’m sorry for that.
    2 weeks ago I and few other photographers, we started an association in order to defend photographers right.

    Please, keep me informed when U find some other stolen at

    Dan Constantinescu

  5. What a jerk!!
    I’m a Romanian-Australian and I’ll use this opportunity to point out to all Romanians who are small-minded enough to believe that gypsies bring project a tarnished image of Romania all over the world because ‘they are bad people’… That is RACIST! There’s no need for any minority to be vilified and used as excuse when Romanians themselves do such things and embarrass us all. To all compatriots: please reflect and learn from this!

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